Ninety-six-year-old Roger Angell, who never saw combat, nevertheless shares the military fetish that afflicted so many members of the Grifter Generation.
In a recent blog-post on the New Yorker site, he tells us why he’s voting for Hillary Clinton: Topped with a photo of D-Day in 1944 (same year Katharine Angell’s young son Roger first wrote for the family magazine), the mawkish screed begins:
I’m late weighing in on this election—late in more ways than one. Monday brought my ninety-sixth birthday, and, come November, I will be casting my nineteenth ballot in a Presidential election. My first came in 1944, when I voted for a fourth term for Franklin Delano Roosevelt, my Commander-in-Chief, with a mail-in ballot from the Central Pacific, where I was a sergeant in the Army Air Force. It was a thrilling moment for me, but not as significant as my vote on November 8th this year, the most important one of my lifetime…
Blah. Blah. Blah. As there is no sense or logic in the old man’s scribbles, we won’t bother to parse out his commentary here. His nursies told him Mr. Trump is bad, and that is all ye need to know.
Angell was never much of an idea man. That’s why he mostly wrote about baseball: last refuge of a hack.